Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Madrid Back in Form

On Sunday, Madrid was able to come back, from a 1-0 deficit early on, and eventually win the game 5-0. It was a Ronaldo equalizer from the spot that put them back in the game after Di Maria was fouled at the edge of the box. Then came Di Maria to make it 2-1 which would prove to be enough even though Ronaldo was able to add another 2 to his personal tally and ge his hat trick on the night. Madrid showed they are back and strong, but their real test comes this weekend when they play Barcelona next Sunday. With a 8 point difference in favor of Barcelona (Farca), Madrid really have no room forr error and will have to go and get those 3 points this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait till the Barca/Madrid game on Sunday!
